Week 5 at school and I write this at 3:30 am. This week has presented some interesting challenges mainly mentally, but also emotionally. I was informed by my mother that we had to put down our last dog Woody down last week. This is difficult because I remember that dog like his mother Seeger about 3 months ago (my timeline may be a bit off). I remember both of them as puppies until their old age.
In other news I still feel alienated while hanging out with my group of friends. I don't know why. Perhaps it is because I'm feeling homesick. This happened at Potsdam too. Just this weird feeling that I don't belong. Wish I could get rid of it. Doesn't help that my current nickname that I'm trying to stamp out is "Grandpa Pierce." Can't help it if I act more mature than everyone all the time. *sigh* Oh well, can't change who I am. Finished writing a majority of my annotated bibliography not to long ago. I've also come to the conclusion that as much as I am a social butterfly. I also need some physical contact. Will try to remedy this by getting/giving more hugs.
Got my second math quiz back, and got a 97! Huzzah! My math skills don't completely suck. So I'm still maintaining a 4.0 average in that class so far. Just had an exam in that class today that I'm slightly worried about. Though I don't think it went that badly.
I worry about and pray constantly for my family back in Binghamton, NY. My cousin, aunt, and uncle are always at the forefront of my mind. I miss them all a lot. Hope my aunt finds this blog entry a little more entertaining as it looks into myself a bit more. Hope babygirl is doing alright.
Looking towards the future. I'm planning on taking "cold" labs next term. Which entails: Essentials of Beverage Service, Fundamentals of Food Service Production, Skills of Meatcutting, Nutrition and Sensory Analysis, Purchasing and Production Information, and Safety and Sanitation. Looking forward to that sooooooooo much. Can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to getting my knife kit and getting to the hard work.
Found a methodist church here in Providence on Mathewson St. It is a different church than where I've come from but Methodists are Methosdists. I've never felt more at home. They were all very welcoming and I sing when I can (I'm fighting off a cold) in their choir. The church isn't very big, but very pretty and circular. Communion is served every week and the hymns are more traditional. No crazy hymns of the week so far.
That's it for this entry. Talk to you all again soon!
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